Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011


Etika bisnis adalah standar-standar nilai yang menjadi pedoman atau acuan manajer dan segenap karyawan dalam pengambilan keputusan dan mengoperasikan bisnis yang etik. Dalam berbisnis tentunya tidak bisa asal membuat usaha dan menjalankannya semau masing-masing pebisnis karena dalam berbisnis seorang wirausaha harus mampu menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan konsumen, suplier maupun rival bisnisnya. Untuk membangun hubungan yang baik inilah dibutuhkan etika-etika dalam menjalin sebuah bisnis.
Etika-etika bisnis yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan setiap aktor bisnis berawal dari pengendalian diri. Pengendalian diri dibutuhkan dalam menghadapi tingkah setiap pelaku bisnis yang masing-masing adalah berbeda, mulai dari konsumen yang memiliki banyak permintaan yang beranekaraga, suplier dengan bermacam-macam sifat serta rival bisnis yang selalu memiliki banyak strategi untuk menjatuhkan lawannya. Dengan sifat-sifat yang berbeda itu maka dibutuhkan tanggapan yang berbeda-beda pula.
Dengan adanya Pengendalian diri dalam kasus Pembajakan pegawai Trimegah Securities maka dalam melakukan setiap tindakan oleh pegawai akan terarah dan beretika sehingga setiap tindakan tidak merugikan pasar modal. Dan bagaimana pelaku pasar punya tanggung jawab moral menyiapkan dan menambah kapasitas pegawai.

Sumber : Kompas

Nama Kelompok
- Cynthia T Sylvana 20208291
- Maulidah Rahmita 20208783
- Martha Kristiani K 20208776

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Busyro : DPR Tidak Perlu Takut Diperiksa KPK

Nama Kelompok :
1. Cynthia Tanafas S (20208291)
2. Martha Kristiani K (20208776)
3. Maulidah Rahmita (20208783)

EDISI : 1174/Tahun IV
TANGGAL : Selasa, 4 Oktober 2011
Analisa :
Dalam Kasus antara Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) – Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) tentang kasus korupsi Proyek Percepatan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Daerah (PPID) di kawasan transmigrasi di Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, termasuk dalam penyalahgunaan Kode Etik yang dilakukan seorang Akuntan, seperti :
1. Tanggung Jawab Profesi
Dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya sebagai profesional, setiap anggota harus senantiasa menggunakan pertimbangan moral dan profesional dalam semua kegiatan yang dilakukannya. Setiap anggota mempunyai tanggung jawab kepada semua pemakai jasa profesional mereka. Anggota juga harus selalu bertanggungjawab untuk bekerja sama dengan sesama anggota untuk mengembangkan profesi akuntansi, memelihara kepercayaan masyarakat dan menjalankan tanggung jawab profesi dalam mengatur dirinya sendiri. Usaha kolektif semua anggota diperlukan untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan tradisi profesi.
Dalam kasus ini Pimpinan Badan Anggaran (Banggar) Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) tidak mempunyai tanggung jawab profesi karena dia tidak menggunakan pertimbangan moral dan profesional dalam pengambilan keputusan serta tidak memelihara kepercayaan masyarakat dalam mengurus rumah tangga negara.
2. Kepentingan Publik
Setiap anggota berkewajiban untuk senantiasa bertindak dalam kerangka pelayanan kepada publik, menghormati kepercayaan publik, dan menunjukan komitmen atas profesionalisme. Satu ciri utama dari suatu profesi adalah penerimaan tanggung jawab kepada publik. Kepentingan publik didefinisikan sebagai kepentingan masyarakat dan institusi yang dilayani anggota secara keseluruhan. Ketergantungan ini menyebabkan sikap dan tingkah laku akuntan dalam menyediakan jasanya mempengaruhi kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat dan negara. Dan semua anggota mengikat dirinya untuk menghormati kepercayaan publik.
Dalam kasus ini Pimpinan Banggar anggota DPR tidak memelihara kepentingan publik karena tidak menghormati kepercayaan publik dan tidak menunjukkan komitmen atas profesionalisme nya. Mereka hanya mementingkan pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pribadi sehingga adanya korupsi dalam kasus Banggar ini.

3. Standar Teknis
Setiap anggota harus melaksanakan jasa profesionalnya sesuai dengan standar teknis dan standar profesional yang relevan. Sesuai dengan keahliannya dan dengan berhati-hati, anggota mempunyai kewajiban untuk melaksanakan penugasan dari penerima jasa selama penugasan tersebut sejalan dengan prinsip integritas dan obyektivitas.
Dalam kasus ini anggota DPR yang menangani masalah penyalahgunaan anggaran tidak mempunyai kode etik standar teknis karena tidak melaksanakan jasa profesionalnya sesuai dengan standar teknis dan standar profesional yang relevan tidak melakukan tugasnya dengan hati-hati dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan demi kesejahteraan masyarakat indonesia.

Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Tugas softskill Bahasa Inggris

Simple Present Tense
‘ I never eat meat,’he explained

Present Continous Tense
‘ I’m waiting for Ann, ’ he said.

Present Perfect Tense
‘ I have found a flat.,’ he said.

Present Perfect Continous Tense
He said, ‘I’ve been waiting for ages’.

Simple Past Tense
He explained that he never ate meat.

Past Continous Tense
He said (that) he was waiting for Ann

Past Perfect Tense
He said (that) he had found a flat.

Past Perfect Continous Tense
He said he had been waiting for ages


1. ‘I want a sandwich, ‘ Jennifer said. (Direct)
Jenifer said that she wanted a sandwich. (Indirect)

2. ‘I have already written that letter,’ my friend said. (Direct)
My fiend said that he had already written that letter. (Indirect)

3. Charles said to me, ‘I have to leave the office before 3:00 p.m.’ (Direct)
Charles said to me he had to leave the office before 3:00 p.m.’ (Indirect)

4. ‘Our entire trip cost us two thousand dollars,’ Mr Brown added. (Direct)
That their entire trip costs them two thousand dollars Mr Brown adds. (Indirect)

5. My friends said to me, ‘We have known about that for a long time.’ (Direct)
My friends said to me, ’We have known about that for a long time.’ (Indirect)

6. ‘I am enjoying my new job,’ Sarah said. (Direct)
Sarah said that she was enjoying. (Indirect)

7. Ann said ‘I want to go to New York next year.’ (Direct)
Ann said she went to go to New York next year. (Indirect)

8. ‘Jack and Jill are going to get married, ‘she said. (Direct)
She said that are was Jack and Jill are going to get married. (Indirect)

9. Susan said, ‘I don’t want to go.’ (Direct)
Susan said that she don’t wont to go. (Indirect)

10. My friend told me, ‘I am palnning to leave right away.’ (Direct)
My friend told me that she was planning to leave right away. (Indirect)

Kamis, 14 April 2011


What is the TOEIC test?
"TOEIC" stands for Test of Home for International Communication. TOEIC test is an English proficiency test for people who native language is not English. TOEIC test scores indicate how well people can communicate in English with others in the global work environment. The test requires no specialized knowledge or vocabulary, these tests only measure the kind of English used in everyday activities.
TOEIC test is a proficiency test in English that's leading the world in the context of the global work environment. More than 4,000 companies around the world use the TOEIC test, and more than 2 million people registered to take this test every year.
Like what format TOEIC ® test?
TOEIC test is a test of multiple choice, paper and pencil for two hours which consists of 200 questions divided into two parts separate times:
• Part I: Listening Comprehension
This section consists of 100 questions and is divided into four sections. Test participants heard a recording of statements, questions, short conversations, and a brief explanation, then answer questions based on segments of hearing. The Listening section takes approximately 45 minutes.
Part 1: Photographs
Part 2: Questions and Response
Part 3: Short Conversations
Part 4: Short Talks 20 items (4 - choice)
30 items (3-choice)
30 items (4-choice)
20 items (4-choice)
• Part II: Reading
The Reading section consists of 100 questions presented in written format in the test booklet. Participants read various materials and answer questions based on their own pace according to the reading material itself. Entire sections requires 75 minutes reading.
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences 40 items (4-choice)
Part 6: Error Recognition 20 items (4-choice)
Part 7: Reading Comprehension 40 items (4-choice)
Participants answered questions by marking one of the letters (A), (B), (C), (D) with a pencil on the answer to a separate valley. Although the actual testing time is approximately two hours of extra time it takes participants to complete the biographical questions on the answer sheet and respond to a brief questionnaire about their education and work history.
What are the contents of the TOEIC test?
TOEIC test is designed to meet the needs of the working world. Test questions are developed from examples of spoken and written language collected from various countries around the world where English is used in the workplace. Test questions and the atmosphere contains many different situations, such as:
• General business - contracts, negotiations, marketing, sales, business planning, conferences.
• Manufacturing - plant management, assembly lines, pengandalian quality.
• Finance and budgeting - banking, investment, taxation, accounting, billing
• Corporate development - research, product development.
• Offices - board meetings, committees, correspondence, memoranda, telephone, fax, and messages e-mail, equipment and office furniture, office procedures.
• Personnel - receiving, hiring, pension, salaries, promotions, job applications, advertising.
• Purchasing - shopping, ordering supplies, deliveries, invoices
• Technical areas - electronics, technology, specifications, buying and renting, electric and gas service.
• Travel - trains, planes, taxis, buses, ships, ferries, tickets, schedules, announcements stations and airports, car rental, hotel, reservations, delays and delays.
• Dining out - business and informal lunches, banquets, receptions, restaurant reservations.
• Entertainment - cinema, theater, music, art, media
• Health-medical insurance, visiting doctors, dentists, clinics and hospitals.
A prospective regular employees must have a minimum TOEIC score of 400. While a prospective manager should at least have a TOEIC score of 800.
Someone who has a TOEIC score 405-600, for example, in listening to be able to understand explanations related to routine daily tasks, understand the announcements during the trip and mengusai limited social conversations. In this talk could explain kerj responsibility adan academic background as well as a discussion about the project in the past and the future. While in the case of reading still need a dictionary to understand the technical documents. And lastly in terms of writing people who have intermediate level was able to write a short memo, letter of complaint and fill out a simple application form.
TOEFL stands for Test of Home as a Foreign Language. This is a test of English as a foreign language. These tests test the ability of a person to the extent to which mastery of English that includes the ability: Listening Comprehension (Comprehension in listening), Structure and Written Exxpression (Structure and expression in writing relating to the Home Grammar or Grammar English (Reading Comprehension (Reading Comprehension), and Writing (Writing).
TOEFL, GRE, SAT and TOEIC is a test products issued by ETS (Educational Testing Service) based in the U.S. and has been operating for more than 40 years.
During this time English language proficiency test product of ETS are most popular in Indonesia is the TOEFL (Test of Home As Foreign Language). However, the TOEFL test is actually designed for academic purposes which is for anyone who wants to continue their studies to the U.S. and North America. During this time, the company in Indonesia, too, put the score TOEFL as employee recruitment requirements.
The use TOEFL scores to the world of work turned out to be less effective. Therefore, there followed a trend of companies that intend to recruit employees to move to the TOEIC (Test of Home for International Communication). ETS TOEIC has been held for 25 years throughout the world. "In Indonesia, the TOEIC test was introduced in 1999," kataJulivan E. Rondonuwu of PT International Test Center, ETS representative in Indonesia.
Benefits of the TOEFL
TOEFL is Bahassa bahasa fluency assessments received by Lebihh than 6,000 institutions. You might think that this is in America / bahasa Kingdom, they actually spread in all the world in 110 countries. Nearly every university in the English-speaking countries like the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada, & New Zealand, use the TOEFL to determine whether the point / non-language speakers of English can be accepted on their programs, receiving scholarships, / enter graduate school .
Another benefit of the TOEFL test proficiency Attas yangg bahasa Another is the fact that there Lebihh than 4,000 testing centers you can use. If you travel, you will save money because the test and can be completed within days.
Finally, this test gives you a benchmark bias your ability to speak bahasa. Score test anonymously, and there are interviews yangg entered as of the process. If you know Bahassa bahasa together well, you'll score with the good, and simple. TOEFL is to benchmark the best of your ability to succeed in college English Software
The ability of any tested in TOEFL test?
There are three parts of the TOEFL test to be done by test participants. The first part is the questions that measure the ability of Listening Comprehension in the number of 50 questions, Structure & Written Expression, 40 questions, and Reading Comprehension, 50 questions. The entire matter was made in the form of multiple choice (except for the Computer Based TOEFL test is a matter of the essay writing ability of participants in English and other variations to match the form of questions such as, to highlight certain words in connection with the main idea of a reading, etc..). The entire test takes place in time approximately 150 minutes, for the Paper and Pencil Based TOEFL, and approximately 240 minutes for the Computer Based TOEFL. A relatively long time for the Computer Based TOEFL tutorials are included procedures.
How many kinds of TOEFL test?
There are two types of TOEFL tests, ie
1) Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL, and
2) Computer-Based TOEFL.
Type the first TOEFL test is the TOEFL test that we know so far, where both questions and answers done by using paper and pencil. While the second type of TOEFL test is a relatively new test model because it was first introduced in 1998. As stated in its name, this test uses a computer in the delivery of and participant test because these tests also will answer via the computer.
In addition to the above two types of tests, whether there are other types of TOEFL test?
For the purposes of pre-selection or internal use of an institution, then the ETS as a developer and provider agency also conducts TOEFL TOEFL ITP (ITP = Institutional Testing Programme). The number of questions and level of difficulty did not differ with ITP TOEFL Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL and the Computer Based TOEFL, because the questions used in the TOEFL ITP TOEFL test is a matter that has been used before. Differences that need to be known by those who plan to follow the TOEFL test is that the score obtained dariTOEFL ITP in its use is limited. Universities and colleges in America, for example, will only accept scores from the TOEFL Paper and Pencil-Based or Computer Based TOEFL. Another difference is in terms of test cost. Currently, the cost of Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL and the Computer Based TOEFL is U.S. $ 110, while the TOEFL ITP is relatively cheaper cost of U.S. $ 25. There should also note that the Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL and the Computer Based TOEFL Test Center is only held in particular with the schedule of tests that have been determined in advance, while the TOEFL ITP implementation is more flexible schedule and in Indonesia is conducted by the IIEF (The Indonesian International Education Foundation) with coordinate with the central language in public universities.
In addition to TOEFL ITP, there is also a TOEFL Prediction / Equivalent Test that is usually used to estimate the TOEFL score before the relevant person take another TOEFL test (TOEFL Paper and Pencil-Based, Computer Based TOEFL, TOEFL ITP). Type Prediction TOEFL test is generally conducted by the institute / center language or places that hold training courses TOEFL.
Is there a difference in the scoring system based TOEFL Paper and Pencil, Computer Based TOEFL, ITP TOEFL and TOEFL Prediction Test?
True, rating or scoring system used for the Paper and Pencil BasedTOEFL, TOEFL ITP, TOEFL Prediction Test and Computer Based TOEFLmemang different.
This is done of course with the intention to avoid misunderstandings in the interpretation of test scores reported by participants. The range of scores used by the Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL, TOEFL ITP, danTOEFL Prediction Test is 310 (lowest score) up to 677 (highest score), whereas for the Computer Based TOEFL, the lowest value is 0 and the highest value of 300 (TOEFL Score User Guide, 2000-2001). About the overall level of difficulty for this type of course the same test, so it can be said those who obtain a score of 677 on the TOEFL Paper and Pencil Based expected to obtain a score of 300 on Computer Based TOEFL, and vice versa if a participant obtained a score of 213 tests in the TOEFL test that uses computer (Computer Based TOEFL), the corresponding score on the Paper and Pencil-Based TOEFL is 550.
How is the relationship of scores obtained by the level of one's mastery of English?
In general, we recognize three levels of mastery of foreign languages, namely Basic Level (Elementary), Intermediate Level (Intermediate) and Advanced (Advanced). TOEFL score, experts typically classify the language of this score into the following four levels (Carson, et al., 1990):
• Elementary Level (Elementary): 310 sd 420
• Lower Secondary Level (Low Intermediate): 420 sd 480
• Secondary Level (High Intermediate): 480 sd 520
• Advanced (Advanced): 525 sd 677
From the classification score above, may arise if the test questions TOEFLdiberikan on American students, for example, whether they will have difficulty working on the TOEFL questions? Studies conducted by Johnson (1977) mentions that the average scores obtained by 173 first and second year students at the University of Tennessee, United States, is 628. That is, for English speakers themselves, the questions TOEFL can be done easily, as evidenced from which they obtained a score at the level of Proficient or Advanced.
By knowing the classification level of mastery of English, as seen above, we can certainly understand why it seems reasonable that universities in countries that use English as its official language, requires a certain TOEFL score for the candidate of their international students. To be accepted in S1, they commonly set score is approximately 475 sd 550, while for S2 and S3 program entry requirements TOEFLnya higher score is around 550 till 600.
Questions are often raised in discussion forums English teachers in Indonesia is what should be the mastery of English a student in Indonesia so they can add to scientific knowledge through reading, written in English? Mastery at the level of Primary (Elementary) would not contribute significantly to the students in Indonesia in terms of efforts to increase knowledge through textbooks / written knowledge in English. Required minimum mastery level of Senior Secondary (High Intermediate) so the students can absorb the course material is written in English with relative ease.
Several universities in Indonesia has set a certain TOEFL score for its students (Huda, 1999). In connection with efforts to improve the quality of college graduates, a regulation requiring college students have a mastery of the TOEFL to a certain extent is expected to have a positive impact and we should support. A good mastery of English are expected to increase the ability to think and work on a global level, the working conditions in the future we need to prepare from now.

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Soal Listening

Most of people like playing games. They can make us relax, enjoyable and happy. The game can be either for children or adult people and we can play them indoors or outdoor. We usually need partner to play the games, either in pairs or in groups. Children like playing “ hide and seek” in the garden. A child closes her/his eyes while the other children are hiding. He / she must look for and find the hiding children.
The other game, a child with covering eyes stands in the middle of circle. The other children walk around him/her while they are singing a song . when they stop singing and walking, he/she must find them by touching and mentioning the name of the hiding children.
There are still many other games, such as kasti, marble, kite, cycling, run and chase, etc. We call those games outdoor games, because we play them in the yard or in the play ground. There are some indoor games such as playing dice, chess, scrabble, card, monopoly, and biliards.
In order to celebrate the kartini day, our school always holds some games, such as playing scrabble, chess, cards, etc. I won the first prize in playing scrabble last year. Do you know the prize that I received? It is a set of magnetic scrabble. I was happy to receive it for I have not had it yet. I can practise playing scrabble with my parents, brother and sister and also my friends. I am going to join the scrabble game year. Hopefully. I’II succeed again this year.

1. The main idea of paragraph 4 ....
a. Celebrating the Kartini Day
b. The prize that the writer received
c. The writer is going to join the game this year.
d. The writer won the first prize in playing scrabble last year.
Answer : D
2. Why do we like playing games?
Because they can make us....
a. Sad
b. Unhappy
c. Amused
d. Interesting
Answer : D

3. The following games are indoor games except
a. Hide and seek
b. Scrabble
c. Chess
d. Card
Answer : A
4. ..........because we play them in the yard ( the second setence of the third paragraph). The word the refers to...
a. Indoor games
b. Outdoor games
c. Children
d. People
Answer : B
5. Hopefully. I’ II succeed again year.
The antonym of the underline word is.....
a. Fail
b. Successfull
c. Enjoying
d. Enjoyable
Answer : A

6. A player has to ....... the player who hide in hide and seek.
a. Find
b. Call
c. Kick
d. Punch
Answer : A

7. Udin got a prize in the games because he was able to ......... the game.
a. Win
b. Sell
c. Lose
d. Make
Answer : A
8. Hide and seek is a famous games. Children usually .......... it
a. Dislike
b. Hate
c. Enjoy
d. Fight
Answer : C
9. We have to able to make new words by arranging the letters we have. This game called....
a. Chess
b. Cards
c. Scrabble
d. Marble
Answer : C
10. This game is a always played by two person. This game ....
a. Hide and seek
b. Marble
c. Chess
d. Car
Answer : C

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011


Choose the correct answer!
1. Woman: ‘”Salero Kito Restaurant here. Can I help you ?”
Man : “I want to reserve, please?
a) a ticket c) a table
b) an instrument of round system d) a room
Answer : c) a table

2. Receptionist : “Cibubur Restaurant, Can I help you ?
Rahma : Yes, please. … for next sunday evening.
Receptionist : I’m afraid we can’t . We’re fully booked this month.
a) I want to book a ticket
b) I’d like to reserve two tables
c) I need to reserve a room
d) I really need your help
Answer : b) I’d like to reserve two tables

3. Man : Have you confirmed the room for a monthly meeting?
Woman : ….
a) Yes, but I’m afraid we have to reschedule it
b) Some one is fixing the air conditional in the room
c) They are discussing in the meeting room
d) Yes, I’d like to book one double room, please.
Answer : a) Yes, but I’m afraid we have have to reschedule it

4. Woman : I’d like to confirm my flight to Bandung.
Man : ….
a) I’m going to Bandung next week
b) The meeting very busy
c) Certainly, can you tell your flight number ?
d) I’m afraid there are no more seats left
Answer : c) Certainly, can you tell your flight number ?

5. Woman : ‘’Tangkuban Travel Agency. Can I help you?’’
Man : Yes, please. I booked the seat on the excecutive bus to Surabaya leaving at
09.00 pm tomorrow. I want to confirm that I’ll take it. And I want to know
time I should be there to report.
Woman : Thanks, please come and report to us an hour before the departure.
What did the caller telephone the agency for ?
a) Confirming his reservation b) booking a seat in a bus
c) canceling his reservation d) changing the time of his travel
Answer : a) Confirming his reservation

6. Woman: Good Afternoon, Quality Hotel, can I help you ?
Man : This is Noel. I’ve booked one double room in your hotel for this weekend.
But, I’m sorry to tell you over time to prepare everything concerning with
the opening of our new branch office.
Woman: What’s your room number, Sir ?
Man : 213 C
Woman: It’s ok. Please, visit us other time.
Why does the man cancel his reservation ?
He cancels it because of ….
a) financial problem b) working problem c) family problem d) health problem
Answer: b) working problem

7. Man : I’m Budi, I’m sorry, Iwish cancel a table for next weekend.
Woman: Okay, don’t worry.
Whom the man talking ?
a) Receptionist at the restaurant
b) Receptionist at the Hotel
c) Guide at tour
d) Doctor at the Hospital
Answer: a) Receptionist at the restaurant

8. Woman: Good evening, Family Restaurant, can I help ?
Man : I’m Budi, I’m sorry, Iwish cancel a table in your restaurant for next Sunday
because, I must to the Jakarta immediately for my job.
He cancels it job because of ….
a) come back to Jakarta b) go to Jakarta for picnic
c) that his job at Jakarta d) go to beach
Answer: c) that his job at Jakarta

Question no. 9 – 11 refer to the following text.
Ryanti Croel
Jl. Pangkuribuan no. 51 May, 27, 2009

To. : Bata Shoes Company
Jl. Kalang Sari no. 25

Dear Customer Service Representative,
I recently purchased shoes with trade mark ‘’Bata’’ for your Bata Shoes
Company. Unfortunetelly, after viewing the shoes I discovered size which different
and colour which false.
I’m writing to request replacements with size which true and colour is brown.
I hope replacements will gived immediately.



9. What kind the letter ?
a) Complaint of letter b) Invoice c) Application letter d) letter of collection
Answer: a) Complaint of letter

10. Whom does Mrs.Rianty write the letter to ?
a) The shopkeeper of the Bata Shoes Company
b) The owner of the Bata Shoes Company
c) The worker of Bata Shoes Company
d) The customer service repsentative of the Bata Shoes Company
Answer: d) The customer service repsentative of Bata Shoes Company

11. What Ryanti complaint ?
a) size and colour Bata Shoes b) size Bata Shoes
c) colour Bata Shoes d) trade mark Bata Shoes
Answer: a) size and colour Bata Shoes

Question no. 12 – 14 refer to the following text.
Vacation Happiness at the Grand Square your vacation become happiness. There are many kinds entertaintment and discount 15% for 10 person which come beginning.
Let’s go to Grand Square

12. What about that announcement ?
a) Grand Square happiness b)Vacation happiness
c) Vacation at the Grand Square discount 15% d) The Grand Square is dirty
Answer: c) Vacation at the Grand Square discount 15%

13. Whom discount gived ?
a) a worker b) a guest c) a dancer d) 10 person which come beginning
Answer: d) 10 person which come beginning

14. Which is not true about Grand Square ?
a) The Grand Square is very borred b) The Grand Square is happiness
c) The Grand Square give discount
d) Which gived discount is 10 person come beginning
Answer: a) The Grand Square is very borred

15. Would you mind …. A little bil longer for the chef to prepare the food ?
a) to waiting b) waited c) waiting d) wait
Answer: c) waiting

1. Receptionist : Good Morning, Tangkuban Hotel. May I help you
Guest : Good Morning, I reserve a single room, please.
Receptionist: When would it be ?
Guest : From July to July, 10
Answer: c) would

2. Andi : Do you know the man whom will lead the marketing department ?
Doni : Sure, she is Ms. Janet from Surya Kencana, Co.
Answer: b) whom

3. My house has lovely garden who I bought last month
Answer: b) who

4. The man whom is wearing a blue the is a bank manager.
Answer : b) whom

5. Tia is older as Mawar home’s
Answer: c) as

6. Siti is the younger than Lita
Answer: b) the

7. I is going to watch the news. (future tense)
Answer : a) is = am

8. Would you like to coming to my birthday party?
Answer: c) coming

9. She sweeps the floor yesterday Simple Present Tense)
Answer : yesterday = every day

10. The sun sets in the east ( Simple Present Tense)
Answer : the east = the west

Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

Semarak Piala AFF 2010

Piala AFF 2010 kembali digelar dan pada kejuaraan ini Indonesia menjadi tuan rumah untuk kesekian kalinya. Dan dngan digelarnya kembali Piala AFF tahun ini kesemarakan pun terasa begitu meriah dan ramai. Bkan hanya di Negara Indonesia saja kesemarakan Piala AFF terasa tapi di setiap Negara yg mengikuti kompetisa yg inipun begitu menyambut dan ikut memeriahkan pagelaran sepakbola antar negar yg berada dibelahan benua asia.
Sejak pertandingan pertama dimulaik kemeriahan pun begitu lebih terasa dan begitu meriah sekali tidak hanya di tempat berlangsungnya pertandingan tapi kemeriahan pun terjadi sampai keplosok negri dan yg memeriahkan pun bukan hanya orang dewasa mulai dari anak2 sampai orng dewasa tak hanya peria melainkan perempuanpun ikut memeriahkan Piala AFF.
Pertandingan pertama Piala AFF pun dimulai dan pada saat itu Indonesia berhadapan dengan Negara tetangga yaitu Negara Malaysia.pertandingan tersebut sangat meriah dan menguras tenaga dan fikiran para pemain gol-gol yg indah dan fantasticpun tercipta pada awalnya Indonesia kebobolan dengan gol indah dari pmain Malaysia namun tanpa perlu waktu lama Indonesia bias menyamakan skor dan dengan sisa-sisa waktu yang tesedia inddonesia bias menambah gol kegawang lawan dan akhirnya Indonesia menaklukan lawan dengan skor telak yakni 5-1 untuk Indonesia.
Stelah pertandingan perttama sang garuda mesti menghadapi lawan-lawan tangguh lainya dan selang beberapa hari dari pertandingan pertama sanggaruda harus bertandingan untuk melawan musuh lain yang sudah menanti untuk bertanding. Hari pertandinganpun tiba dan kesemarakan pertandingn dimulai dan sorak soray pendukung sanggaruda begitu semarak dan ramai. Peluit pertandingan tanda permainan dimulai dan kesemarakan makin bertambah. Menit demi menit berlalu dan setelah lwati tiap menit dan akhirnya gol tercipta dan dengan terciptanya gol pertama sanggaruda semakin bersemangat untuk menambah pundi-pundi gol dari kaki sang pemain.hingga pada akhirnya indonesi menaklukan lawan dengan sekor 6 – 0.
Kembali Indonesia memenangkan pertandingan yang sangat sengit dan seru. Putaran pertama tinggal 1 x pertandingan dan Indonesia atau sang garuda berhadapan dengan Negara Thailand yang merupakan juara bertahan piala AFF beberapa tahun lalu. Pertandingan kembali digelar dan Indonesia bermain sbagai tuan rumah dan itu merupakan keberuntungan bagi sang garuda karna supporter merupakan pemain ke 12 yang bias meningkatkan semangat para pemain indonesi.
Peluit tanda pertandingn ditiup pertempuran dimulai dan para punggawa sang garuda mulai berjuang untuk meraih kmenangan dan pada putaran 45 menit pertama indonesi mampu mencuri angka dari sang lawan namun sbelum 45 menit pertama usai lawan dapat menyamakan sekor dan peluit tanda pertandingn babak pertama usai dibunyikan oleh wasit. Para pemain memasuki tempat beristirahat dan mereka mulai untuk menyusun setrtegi. 5 menit telah usai dan babak ke 2 dan pertandingan dimulai kembali pertarungan sengit terjadi hingga akhirnya indonesi dapat menambah angka dan sekor menjadi 2 – 1 sekorpun bertahan hingga pertandingn usai dan kembali indonesi memenangkan prtandingn untuk yg ke 3x nya. Dengan kemenangan ini sang garuda melaju ke babak selanjutnya.
Sorak soray para supporter sang garuda semakin bertambah riang dan kencang karna sang garuda lanjut ke babak selanjutnya . dan demi mencapai kemenangan dan menggapai mimpi sang garuda para punggawa sanggaruda berlatih dengan giat hingga pada akhirnya jadwal pertandingan tiba dan dipertandingan ini sanggaruda berhadapan dengan Negara yang memiliki sejarah sepak bola masih di bawah indonesi namun untuk mencapai kmenangan indonesi bekerja keras dan dengan semangat dan dukungan dari para supporter Indonesia akhirnya memenangkan pertandingan tersebut dan melaju ke babak final.
Kemeriahan semakin terasa karna Indonesia melju ke babak final dan hari yang ditunggu – tunggu tiba dan di final indonesia kembali dihadapkan dengan Negara Indonesia dan pertandingan final pertama digelar di Negara Malaysia dan sanggaruda sulit untuk mengepakan sayapnya karna bertanding di kandang lawan merupakan banyak sekali tekanan dan hasil akhir Indonesia kalah dengan sekor 3 – 0 untuk Malaysia. Selesai pertandingan final pertama Indonesia memiliki cukup waktu untuk menyusun strategi dan meningkatkan mental para punggawa sang garuda.
Hari pertandingan final piala AFF yg kedua digelar dan diselenggarakan di indonesi ini merupakan keberuntungan bagi sanggaruda pada saat pertandingn dimulai sanggaruda terus menekan sang lawan dan dengan usaha yang keras akhirnya Indonesia menang dengan sekor 2 – 1 namun dengan kemenangan itu Indonesia belum bias menjadi juara karena masih kalah dalam agregat.
Piala AFF tahun 2010 masih belum bias direbut oleh sanggaruda dan untuk itu sanggaruda harus lebih banyak belatih untuk mengasah sekil dan kemampuan pisik timnas. Smoga dipiala AFF yang akan dating sanggaruda bias mengepakan sayapnya hingga ke ujung langit dan jadi juara di ASIA.